Business Address
1510 Highland Ave.
Red Oak
ZIP Code
Phone Number
Public Contact Email
Business Contact
Fr. Lazarus Kirigia
Business Contact
Jean Anderson
Business Description

Each of us has a different journey in our faith and we welcome you at each and every step.  We are a community in every sense of the word, sharing the fire within us that is our faith in Jesus Christ.  With our commitment to service, compassion and the love of the Lord we welcome you!

Mass times:

Saturday: 5:30 pm - 1st, 3rd, & 5th of a month only

Sunday: 10:30 am; Spanish Mass - 1:00 pm

Wednesday: 8:30 am

Friday:  9:00 am * at the Red Oak Good Samaritan Center


Directions to listing

ROCIA Communicator

The ROCIA Communicator is a weekly newsletter that’s sent out every Wednesday morning highlighting the various events and promotions throughout our community.