West Central Community Action belongs to a collective of Community Action Agencies, which are non-profit private and public organizations established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to fight America's War on Poverty. Community Action Agencies help people to help themselves achieve self-sufficiency within their community. The service areas of Community Action Agencies (CAAs) cover 96 percent of the nation's counties. Partnership agencies are connected by a national network that includes the Community Action Partnership national association, regional associations, state associations, a national lobbying organization, and a national association of Community Service Block Grant administrators.
West Central Community Action has been serving counties in Southwest Iowa for over 55 years through a variety of self-sufficiency programs. In partnership with state and federal government, we serve residents through our Outreach Centers and Head Start Centers in the 10-county region of Cass, Crawford, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie, and Shelby.