Exciting News for Red Oak Housing!

We’re thrilled to announce that the Red Oak Chamber and Industry Association, in collaboration with Southwestern Community College and Red Oak Community School District, is reviving the building trades program at ROCHS for the 2024/2025 school year! A dedicated housing committee, including Randy Orme and Ryan Beeson as co-chairs, along with Jeff Soe, John O’Neal, […]
NPI Considers Canning Redemption Center
This article was written by Nishna Productions. One of the many ways Nishna Productions, Inc. has tried to serve the community and provide employment for its individuals has been through the operation of the redemption center. In recent weeks, the redemption center, located at 210 Broadway St. in Red Oak, has had to close its […]
Mills County, Southwest Iowa, and Nebraska Flood Resources

Mills County Public Informational Meeting: Sunday, March 23 at 2 p.m. Glenwood Community High School504 Sharp Street, Glenwood, Iowa Information will be shared about the flood, answer questions, coordinating help with disaster relief, clothing, etc. Please share to help spread the word. Financial Giving and Housing: Mills County Public Health has set up a tax […]
Who’s ready for some sunshine and warmer temps?

According to the calendar, the first day of spring is March 20th and that’s what I am focusing on while ignoring the mounds of snow all around us! Business After Hours – AgriVision hosted our February Business After Hours. What a great turn out of Chamber members and their customers! Derrick Bucy spoke about the […]
Meet the ROCIA Board of Directors Spotlight – Diana Hietbrink

Current Chamber and Industry Association Board President Diana Hietbrink has been a real estate agent with Rubey Realty for the past three years. While she keeps busy with listing and selling homes, she also assists with the property management division of Rubey Realty. Before delving into real estate, she worked in retail and retail management […]
Why Did Beethoven Get Rid of His Chickens?

All they said was “Bach, Bach, Bach…” After another gloomy day of snow and what appears to be never-ending winter, I needed a good joke and this one did the trick for me – so I hope it puts a smile on your face too. Let’s get down to brass tacks. First Annual Ag Appreciation […]
Baby it’s cold outside, but the Chamber is always a warm place to visit!

Business After Hours – The calendar is filling up! February’s BAH will be hosted by AgriVision Equipment Group, LLC on February 22nd. They have so much to share about their business and have some fun things planned for their event. Watch for details coming very soon! Interested in hosting a Business After Hours or want […]
The Calendar Moves Forward, and So Does Red Oak.

Can you believe it’s already the middle the February? I’m afraid if I blink tomorrow will be Junction Days, and if that’s the case put me in the chair from A Clockwork Orange because we’ve got some big events to highlight before Junction Days presents itself. Let’s dive into the two events that are on […]
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

When the wicked witch said those words, “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all”, she expected a confirming response like “Why you are pretty lady.” The witch was neither pretty, as the mirror confirmed to most who may have been standing behind her peeking at the reflection. Nor was she fairest […]
New Year, New Focus, New Beginnings

Hope you all enjoyed your holidays and were able to spend time with family & friends! After we hung the new calendar, we rolled up our sleeves and have been busy working on 2019 events, projects, & promotions! We are so excited for the year ahead! Business After Hours In December, the Heritage Lodge Bed […]